Many people have written to me asking me how to lose stubborn belly fat. Well, let me tell you that losing that stubborn belly fat is going to take a lot of hard work and dedication both at home and in the gym. To be fit, you must want to stay fit and that is a problem and growing issue in our society. People want a quick fix and I cannot offer you a quick fix. I can offer you the advice and techniques that will make losing the stubborn belly fat stay off. So, if you are with me then let us get right to it!
Tips To Lose Belly Fat For A Tight Tummy & Flat Stomach:
- Start by eating healthy foods. Eat three well-balanced meals and two light snacks a day (or five small meals). Eat lots of fruits, vegetables and lean proteins. Lean proteins such as chicken breast or turkey meat are two healthy options. You can eat out, but make smart choices. A garden salad with chicken and water can be substituted for a cheeseburger and fries. No fried food! This will just set you back even more.
- Drink plenty of water. Avoid sodas and alcohol!
- Do 30-40 minutes of cardio every day either walking or running.
- Perform 50 regular crunches followed by 50 side-to-side reaching crunches each day.
- Exercise. Sit on the floor, then bring your knees in toward your chest. Do not use your hands, just allow them to float along the side of your body without touching the floor. Extend your legs while lowering your upper body. Do not touch the floor with your arms, legs or torso. Try to get as close to the floor as possible without touching it. Using your abs, come back to the seated position, with your knees in toward your chest. You want to do this exercise in sets of 3. So 10 times for 3 sets.
- Weights. Hold a small hand weight (under 5 pounds) in each hand. Keep your arms at your sides, with your hands relaxed. Allow one side to drop down so you go into a side stretch. Drop down slowly and come back to a straight standing position. Drop on the other side. Keep your body straight so that only your torso bends sideways from the waist. Do not twist. Come up slowly. Repeat 10 times and do 3 sets until you are able to work yourself up to 5 sets of 10.
- Table Top: Sit atop a table. Scoot backward to the edge, with your legs extended across the table. Have someone hold them down. Let your upper body hang from the table. Place your arms across your chest, then lift your body up into a sit-up position. Curl your body back down slowly. Repeat 10 times doing 3 sets working your way up to 5 sets.
- Stop eating at least three hours before bedtime. Not eating late at night has many benefits and will also allow you to get to sleep a lot easier. If you must have a bedtime snack enjoy some light veggies or even fat-free Jell-O to satisfy your sweet tooth.
- Give In: No one said you had to be perfect all the time. If you are losing the belly fat and you are losing the weight, then it is okay to treat yourself to your favorite dessert or snack on occasion. Not allowing yourself this chance will only make you binge and that will make your diet and your belly just sky rocket back to being out of shape.
Lastly, do not change your diet once you start losing the weight. You have to stick to a strict diet to maintain the weight loss. Otherwise, you can look forward to gaining it all back and that would be a shame considering how much effort and hard work you have put into losing this stubborn belly fat.