Let’s face it. Food is much less appealing when we’re full rather than ravenous. Skipping meals or not eating enough of the right foods during the day can leave you hungry and lead to overeating. The tips below will help to curb your appetite and may help with weight loss!
#1. Eat Breakfast.Though skipping meals may sound tempting for weight loss, eating breakfast helps stimulate your metabolism and prevent you from overeating later.
#2. Include protein.High protein foods are more satiating than high carbohydrate foods. Researchers have found that if you eat eggs in the morning, you’ll consume 300 fewer calories over the next 36 hours. Other high protein foods include low-fat string cheese, natural peanut butter, hummus and lean meat, fish or poultry.
#3. Eat high fiber foods.Choose 100% whole wheat bread, shredded wheat or bran cereal and whole wheat or multi-grain pasta. High fiber foods are digested slower and stay in your stomach longer than lower fiber foods.
#4. Eat juicy foods.Foods high in water such as soup, salad, fresh fruits and vegetables help curb appetite. Choose a broth based soup or large green salad as an appetizer or snack on citrus fruit, berries or apples between meals.
#5. Eat fat.We need some fat in our diets to prevent fat-soluble vitamin deficiencies, aid in absorption of nutrients and curb hunger. Eating a diet too low in fat may lead to overeating later. Choose healthy fats such as a small handful of nuts, olive or canola oil on salad or low-fat cheese VS fat-free dressing or fat-free cheese.
#6. Eat every 3-4 hours.Eating smaller, more frequent meals prevent drops in your blood sugar, which will help maintain energy throughout the day and curb appetite. Snack on grape tomatoes, carrot and sticks, pepper strips or fresh vegetables between meals.
#7. Eat calories, don’t drink them.Liquid calories do not turn off the hunger signal in your brain, so you consume more when you drink calories VS eating them. Choose fruit over fruit juice and limit alcohol, regular soft drinks or other non-nutritional beverages.
#8. Limit sodium.MSG (mono sodium glutamate) is a flavor enhancer that makes food taste savory. Research shows that foods containing MSG may lead to overeating because foods simply taste better.
#9. Drink water.Although water alone won’t curb your appetite, if you choose it over beverages containing calories, you’ve saved those calories for food. Research also shows that dehydration can trigger eating.
#10. Limit simple carbohydrates.Excess sugar from soda, cake, candy or other treats may trigger cravings for sugar, which can crowd out healthy foods in your diet and lead to weight gain. Enjoy a treat now and then, but eat real food first.