Dozens of new supplements have been introduced over the past few years that promise to improve short-term and long-term memory loss, intelligence, mood, vision, and mental performance. In reviewing the very latest research regarding these breakthrough nutrients, amino acids, herbs, herbal extracts, coenzymes, and hormones, some simple questions emerge that beg to be answered.
Despite a scientific and practical basis for recommending each of these powerful antidotes, some form of evaluation of their benefits and risks for the end-user must be established as an objective basis for making a specific recommendation.
The questions that remain unanswered by the plethora of literature extolling the value of each and every nutrient include queries such as; how do I know which ones I need?, if I’m deficient in one or the other, is it because of my diet, my digestion, the supply or the demand?, if I do need one or more these nutrients, how can I know how much I need, how often I need it, how long to take it and how to combine mind and memory boosting supplements for multiple symptoms?
A step by step and sensible mind and memory-boosting program is available for the young, middle-aged, and seniors suffering from the symptoms of mild depression, memory loss, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, and other related conditions.
As part of my experience in researching and learning about individual herbs and nutrients that influence the mind, I have found that most, if not all of these symptoms, originate in an imbalance or deficiency. Once the underlying cause is identified, all of the foregoing questions can be accurately answered and the appropriate protocols can be established for that individual.
While a comprehensive history is the cornerstone for this evaluation, a biological fluid analysis is the heart of the assessment. The process of transforming the biological matrix begins with a M.A.P. It provides an objective biochemical baseline for identifying the strengths, weaknesses, and imbalances in the fluids comprising the internal environment of your body that reflect the integrity of lymph, urine, and saliva formation.
The characteristics and condition of the fluids that compose this biological matrix may affect the entire body. This fluid matrix travels throughout the entire body, but each and every person is biologically and chemically unique. Each individual’s cellular environment responds differently to stress, change, health, and illness. It also responds differently to all the factors that affect cellular functioning, such as genetics, hereditary issues, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social, and environmental factors.
In addition to assessing the relationship of these factors to unresolved symptoms, a M.A.P. produces information specific to your biological environment regarding imbalances and deficiencies that may be potential causes related to your healthcare concerns. In short, a precise assessment and evaluation of the biological fluids may provide valuable information about underlying factors that may influence the overall state of your vitality and well-being.
The components assessed in this profile are used by the body to produce energy, to supply vital nutrients for sustaining life, and to create the biological fluids of urine, lymph, and saliva. Therefore, the chemical state of the biological matrix will be reflected in the results of the M.A.P. and provide a means of monitoring your response to therapeutic intervention.
Matrix transformation is the adapted science of evaluating and manipulating productive changes in the internal environment of the body. This environment is called the biological matrix. The biological matrix represents a fluid transport system for the delivery of nutrients to, and elimination of waste products from, the cells of the body.
The M.A.P. provides an assessment of the status of specific biochemical processes, which control and contribute to an ecologically competent organism. It also permits us a window of observation into this unique environment, allowing for invaluable insights into the ability of the cells to survive and prosper.
The M.A.P. assists in determining the physiological status of every major biological system in the body from two perspectives. First, it provides us with information pertaining to the three physiological factors of congestion, digestion, and energy production. Next it provides us with insight into how the body’s glands, organs and physiological systems, such as the kidney, liver, adrenals, digestion, elimination, etc., are being affected by association with the physiological factors.
With the latest advances in technology, the M.A.P. interpretation software is capable of determining similar values for the blood based upon the factors present in the other biological fluids. The use of this software allows us to offer the M.A.P. as a mail-order test. This makes the M.A.P. one of the most unique, comprehensive and user-friendly evaluations available.
The immediate goal of any approach designed to address a biochemical imbalance or deficiency is to assist the body in accessing its own nutrient pools. Secondary goals are to restore normal function and prevent the imbalance from reoccurring. There are a couple of steps in this process, and a couple of obstacles, to achieve a productive response, but the end results are highly achievable.
Other Benefits of Testing
Biochemistry represents a two-way bridge between the structural and virtual realms. Nutritional testing creates an access window into this viable channel of communication. The benefits of this type of testing go far beyond a simple biochemical assessment. It can actually help in establishing the realm of the primary imbalance and suggest effective approaches to resolving the associated symptoms.
For example, assume an individual goes to the doctor with any one of a group of common symptoms. Also assume that this individual has tested negative for any disease by all conventional standards. This is the profile of an individual with chronic, low-grade unresolved symptoms. For all intents and purposes, it is likely that it is not a structural problem and it probably isn’t a diagnosable disease entity. Now what? Shall we wait and see?
Should we suppress the symptoms? Should we send this person to a psychiatrist? Or perhaps nutritional testing might be a reasonable alternative. Given everything presently known about the biochemical realm, nutritional testing would probably be a good place to start. There is a host of other possible tests that can be utilized to assess various biochemical aspects.
Each of these has value (remember, everything works), however, some are more sensitive and specific to isolated issues, while others provide general information. With nutritional testing as a foundation, the appropriate inclusion of relevant tests can then be easily determined.
As persistent symptoms remain unresolved and test results continue to return inconclusive or negative results, the more relevance many of these tests will have in differentiating the realm in which the causal imbalances are rooted. Generally speaking, the more enduring the symptoms and unfruitful the test results, the closer the probability of an imbalance rooted in the virtual realm.
Obstacles to Restoring Function
One of the potential obstacles in normalizing a chronically distorted biochemical environment is the loss of function. This loss occurs in conditions that have progressively deteriorated over a long period of time. In these cases, it is usually more realistic to aspire to management of the current state, while seeking to prevent further deterioration. All too frequently, an imbalance has progressed to a point where one of the following obstacles arises:
The condition has been present for so long and the individual has tried so many things that he or she easily becomes frustrated and does not follow through.
- The identification of the probable cause stands in stark contrast to the wisdom of conventional assessments that brought the individual to seek alternative evaluations in the first place. Because of the seemingly simplistic, but far-fetched, potential solution to the problem, a half-hearted attempt fails to yield productive results.
- The major focus is on symptoms. While alteration of the biological matrix is consistent, it is also not instant. The symptoms do not improve fast enough for the patient to maintain participation.
- The individual with the imbalance lacks the discipline to follow through with all of the recommendations, and therefore fails to comply.
- Well-meaning friends and conventional practitioners who lack sufficient knowledge to support the endeavor discourage the individual with the imbalance.
- The program is time-consuming and costly.
Reality Check
Nutritional assessment is not limited to a dipstick acid test. It requires a sophisticated tool capable of establishing the status of the most critical biological parameters in the most viable bodily fluids. Overall, this assessment can aid in determining the status of everything from digestion to absorption, assimilation, utilization, and elimination in all the major systems of the body.
Hence the caveat “everything works.” However, to achieve optimal results from the application of a given modality to a set of circumstances, the selection of tools must be specific and appropriate. In other words, to resolve a disruption of normal function, we must know the cause of the disruption and where the cause is rooted.
Given the scenarios just presented, I am decidedly persuaded that there are no true diseases. Diagnosable diseases may simply be the end result of a much subtler process. Disease entities may be the outcome of an undiagnosed long-term imbalance seeking expression in the form of a last-ditch attempt to get our attention. These imbalances can originate in any of the three realms or through their by-products.