Name: Stephanie
Age: 25
Family status: 2 older sisters, 1 younger brother
Hometown: Mount Carmel, Illinois
What made you join the military? Money for college
Where have you been stationed? In Northern Kuwait
What is your position in the military?
I work on a PDSS (pre-deployment site survey) team with 9 other people. We escort and pull security for companies that come into the country to get an idea of what their soldiers are going to be doing. We also escort and pull security for entertainers that come into the country like country singers, the House of Representatives, etc.
Have you always been in shape or did you get into shape in the Military?
I have always been active and into sports my whole life. In high school I ran cross-country and track, and played volleyball. In college I got more into weightlifting and it has stuck with me ever since.
How many other people train and follow a fitness plan (diet/exercise) in the Military?
Many companies have organized PT every morning to keep their soldiers in shape. My company has put me in charge of putting soldiers on fitness programs that have a hard time passing their PT test. There is a good-sized gym here on base which many soldiers use to their advantage but many do not because of the circumstances we are in. Diet wise, it is hard for people to follow a good diet because of the food they serve us at the chow halls.
Do you find it hard to find/eat healthy foods and follow a solid eating plan in the Military?
It is easy for me because I know what to pick and chose from in the mess hall. Luckily, I have taken many nutrition classes that have taught me the basis of healthy eating. I do have my mother mail me foods such as tuna, protein bars, and whey protein. I stay away from the fast and main lines in the chow hall and opt for the choices they have of fresh fruits and vegetables on the salad bar.
What is an MRE and how do they taste?
An MRE is a Meal Ready to Eat. Some soldiers like them but I have been used to eating healthy my whole life and choose not to eat them (when possible) because they are so high in calories, fat, carbs, and sodium. That is when my mother’s protein bars or canned tuna she mails me really comes in handy.
What do your average meals consist of?
- Breakfast: Cereal (raison bran), Coffee, and fruit..usually fresh cantaloupe
- Lunch: A salad with tuna on top, and a pile of fresh broccoli
- Dinner: Salad and Grilled Chicken
- Snacks or Mini Meals: I will have a whey protein shake with low-fat milk after my midmorning workout, and sometimes a protein bar if I am still hungry later in the day, and water.