A lack of nutrients in the foods we eat, including fresh fruits and vegetables, can be blamed on the depletion of nutrients from the soil within the last 60 years as per Senate Document No. 264, 1936.
Laboratory tests prove that fruits, vegetables, grains, eggs and even the milk and meat that we eat today are not what they were a few generations ago. This probably explains why our forefathers thrived on a selection of foods that would actually starve us of nutrients today!
Today, no person can eat enough fruits and vegetables to supply his stomach with the mineral salts he requires for perfect health because the stomach isn’t big enough to hold them! Other factors such as poor dietary habits and the rise of fast food relates to the lack of nutrients we miss through diet alone and this is why these types of high sugar and high fat processed foods are considered “empty calories” because they have very little nutritional value. This is a major reason why so many people now supplement their diet with different products so they can ensure they will get the much needed vitamins and minerals their body’s desire.
However, the problem with nutritional supplements is that many are not fully absorbed by the body so even though you may think you are getting your 1,000 mg of vitamin C as stated on the bottle; you are actually absorbing less than half of this amount.
There are some supplement companies on the market which have had several studies performed that prove their products are pharmaceutical grade and much better absorbed at a cellular level, but the cost for these supplements are higher and some of the studies were paid for by the company themselves making it hard to distinguish how true and non-biased their findings really are.
There are still foods you can eat which do have higher levels of calcium but many people don’t even realize these foods are rich in calcium so they may not include them in their diets at all or if they do they may not eat these specific foods frequently enough to get the full benefit.
Many of us are raised to believe that we will get all of the calcium we need directly from milk and cheese. However, research completed by several different studies shows that this may not actually be the case. Cheese is made up of mostly fat. Eggshells, oyster shells and other similar items have been used for supplements based on their calcium qualities but these are not really palatable as a whole food source. I question the process these items undergo during their manufacturing which would affect the end product’s quality as a whole.
My suggestion for those who need or want to increase their calcium intake is to try consuming more fresh produce and include more of the items listed below. Vitamin D helps to body absorb calcium so this is also a consideration which is easily attained by getting only 15 minutes of sunlight each day. Many of the items below are also great sources of vitamins including D and many others.
Calcium Candidates
- Cooked turnip greens
- Dandelion greens
- Mustard greens
- Bok choy
- Collards
- Spinach
- Kale
- Fresh parsley
- Romaine
These items are not difficult to find in your local grocery store and need very little preparation when cooking them. Washing is always suggested whether you buy organic or not. Adding one of these items to your diet daily takes minimal effort yet will help you achieve a step toward increased calcium intake in your diet. I still suggest taking a nutritional supplement on top of these whole foods but consciousness needs to be directed toward your diet as well because we should not solely depend on one or the other. A combination of both natural whole foods and quality nutritional supplements will give you a very good balance of nutrients to live a more vibrant and energized life!