I commend you on taking the initiative to start a weight training program with your friend. It’s a great thing to see and more kids your age should take your lead and implement fitness into their daily lives. Weight lifting has so many benefits for children like increasing muscle strength and endurance, protecting ligaments and joints, helping to develop agility and improving overall performance for nearly any sport they decide to partake in. Resistance training also helps to strengthen children’s bones, maintain a healthy body weight and help to improve the confidence and self-esteem of kids who follow an exercise program. The biggest benefit of starting a workout plan at a young age is the way it helps to form healthy habits which can be very beneficial for keeping up an active lifestyle as children get older.
Competent supervision is important and an emphasis should be placed on proper form and good lifting technique. There is nothing that is more important than being safe and using proper exercise form during your weight lifting workouts. If you do not perform the movement correctly, you risk injuring yourself and it could also lead to issues with overtraining specific areas that could cause serious problems down the road. A great example is the bench press exercise which is very popular among young kids. The normal question asked by kids is, “How much do you bench?” and this is the reason why so many people start with this core muscle building movement since it builds muscle mass and increases strength in the upper body. However, proper exercise technique is absolutely critical when you perform the bench press because if you do it incorrectly, you can cause serious issues to your rotator cuffs down the road. If you start bench pressing the wrong way starting out, it usually means you will go months and maybe even years using incorrect form which places way too much stress on the delicate rotator cuff muscles and can lead to issues like impingement syndrome and even surgery later on if there is a large amount of damage that has been done.
I highly recommend starting off your weight lifting program in the smartest and safest way possible. This means going to a gym and having a certified personal trainer instruct you on the correct technique on all of the core multi-joint mass building exercises like the bench press, squat, deadlift and military press. Having a professional there to provide in-depth knowledge and feedback to get you started on the right path is so important since they will help you gain the skills needed to train smart so you can follow a fitness plan and be active for the rest of your life!