I often find myself thinking about what to write next and I forget that almost everything I read I highlight and write in my composition notebook. I love to learn and copy from the best. Yes, I do copy quite often and without any further rambling on, I am going to share with you to the best of my understanding some of the notes I have taken over the past year. Since none of these are my own ideas, I will give due credit to where I found them.
- Jumping jacks are a great warm-up. It doesn’t matter what your goal is. Jumping jacks are a very simple form of a plyometric exercise. They incorporate a large number of joints and muscles, thus increasing blood flow and lubricating the joints. They also require coordination. -Martin Rooney
- The conjugate method is a great way to train athletes, not just power lifters. The conjugate method means taking multiple abilities and training them together, simultaneously, so there is no decrease in power, strength or muscle size. The conjugate method incorporates the max effort method, the dynamic effort method and the repeated effort method. -Joe DeFranco
- Keep expenses down. It doesn’t matter what we are talking about, just keep expenses down. -Zach Even-Esh and Gene Simmons
- Keep a thread of everything in your workouts. -Mike Boyle from Al Vermeil
- As you near your genetic potential, your progress halts. This was from Mike Boyle and he was referring to strength and muscle growth. I would like to add that this also applies to getting lean and ripped. Some people can just get more ripped than others. If you don’t believe me, go to a bodybuilding show. -Mike Boyle with a little bit of me sprinkled in
- Recovery processes are as trainable as any other physical parameter. Recovery must occur before progress can be made. The continued use of initial, already adapted to load will not induce any disruption of homeostasis and therefore cannot lead to further progress. Overload without adequate recovery just induces overtraining. -Rippetoe and Kilgore
- You can increase intramuscular tension by increasing weight or acceleration or both. This shows that strength and power must both be trained simultaneously (conjugated). The nervous system, not the muscular apparatus is the limiting factor in force production. After a bout of training focusing on power and strength, the body responds much faster to any subsequent hypertrophy training. -Christian Thibaudeau
- The key to more muscle growth is to not only recruit, but to also fatigue the high threshold motor units (HTMUs). Never pause between reps if you are trying to build muscle! -Christian Thibaudeau
- Training on machines which restrict movement of joints involved in producing a specific sporting action can modify the circuitry and programming of the brain and thereby reduce the functional or sport specific adaptability of many of the muscles used to execute the movement. -Verkhoshansky and Siff
- You must try to get back into parasympathetic dominance for optimal recovery to take place. The Russians used to have their athletes walk barefoot on the beach for hours when they started to approach overtraining. Flying is a stress-you are 35,000 feet in the air breathing recycled air. There is a reason you feel drained after getting off a flight. -Buddy Morris
- A body under recovery will always seek homeostasis. So it is always better to undertrain than to over train. You will still supercompensate, but not to the same degree. Once you over train, your body will plummet and fight to retain a balance. Smaller central nervous system demands over a longer period of time result in more acceptance and greater improvement. While the rush to get more done leads to uncertainty down the road. -Charlie Francis by way of Tom Myslinski
- The non-dominant leg is usually stronger due to planting, especially at the hip. Therefore the glutes and hams on that side are stronger but the dominant leg quad is stronger. -Juan Carlos Santana
- Endurance training does not lead to greater strength but strength training does lead to greater endurance. Think about this if you have a rep test coming up. -Barry Ross
Hopefully you found something that can be put to use. Again, none of these ideas are mine, but I did take the time to read them!