It’s been such an amazing time in my life. I can honestly say that as an adult, last year was one of my GREATEST years ever! It has been so overly prosperous and happy. Yes, happy! I have referred to last year as My Liberation Year, My Freedom Year and the Year of Peace and Tranquility.
When I reflect back on where I was physically and mentally prior to this year, and the path of self-destruction and physical abuse I was on, it is nothing short of a miracle to see myself HERE. The Joan I see now is healthy, mentally clear, and socially feasible, in control of her emotions and in love with life and herself. I am well aware that I am NOT the same woman I was when I began my weight loss journey.
Prior to my journey, I was in a dead state. I found myself questioning my own self worth. I woke up every Monday morning doing the same things over and over again. Every week was the same. NOW, I wake up and I have a purpose. I’m not sitting and procrastinating. I get out and experience life. I am so confident in my abilities and in my personal resolve after seeing how strong I have become and how resilient I have been in turning my WHOLE life around.
My physical transformation has paved the way for a total and complete transformation of all aspects of my life. Through finding myself back to health, I have found a path that has allowed me to find ME again. YES, it has been totally liberating. I have an overwhelming feeling of self-pride and a deep-rooted faith has been cemented within my heart.
As I have liberated myself, the course of my life has altered. I had no idea that when my journey began that it would be about cleansing and getting rid of the toxins; and that is exactly what has transpired. I have cleared out the toxins in my body, mind, spirit and in my personal life. I didn’t start with this plan; it was just part of the whole metamorphosis and the natural order of things. As my physical self was improving, I knew that I wasn’t happy in other avenues in my life and I came to a pivotal point this past February when I just had enough and I finally said “That’s IT, I’m done, it’s over and I’m NOT living like THIS anymore. I’m changing EVERYthing. NO more. GOODBYE!”
I spent the beginning of this year getting rid of the albatrosses around my neck. Once the negativity was eliminated, it allowed me to be free to embrace all the new opportunities that have come barreling at me like a happy runaway freight train.
I wanted change and I had been asking God to help me find the strength to make the changes that were necessary. In order to get out of the tunnel, I needed to see the light; MY LIGHT. God sent me the answers I needed. I began to really listen and wake up and think more of myself. It became that if I wanted my life to change, it was up to ME to do that. And I have.
Throughout the course of my journey, I’ve changed my life around; new friends, new body, new jobs, new performance groups, new students, new studio, new social calendar, new professions, new social calendar, and above all NEW HEALTH. I am so proud of everything that I have accomplished this year. While I’ve enjoyed a lifetime of awards and public recognition with medals and accolades, THIS has been my most triumphant achievement.
I am in great spirits, feeling positive and full of hope and health and just feeling very proud of ME. I am really encouraged by the overall positive forward path I’ve been on and the road that just continually evolves into a perpetual momentum of hope. I am a testament that if you’re complaining about your life and you want it to change, then CHANGE your LIFE!
While my physical enhancements are obvious; I’ve lost so much weight but look at what I’ve gained! I’ve lost over 100 pounds and gained over 100 friends. I have people wanting to be around me because they are feeding off my positive energy. People love me and I love them. I want to be social again and the new friends are intoxicating. I’m back dancing and now teaching Zumba fitness. It’s surreal!
However, not all of the journey has been rosy, there have been some stressors. Yet despite the small degree of negativity that has been swirling around, I have still managed to come out on top. I took all of the negativity in my life, pressed delete and walked away. I’ve been slammed because of it, but I believe these were just tests as they have paved a way for me to be stronger and added fuel to a fire beneath my feet to keep on moving forward.
I’m so much happier and to ME that’s all that matters. I made myself well again. I set out to make ME happy and I have. I feel good, confident, healthy and above all else, I have clarity; that’s a fantastic way to be. I have redeemed JUSTICE in my life. I got what I wanted, which was freedom and peace. I’m ecstatic to say that I’ve been de-stressed.
What very well may be the bigger testament here is the fact that I’m seeing the world through a set of eyes that are healthy, within a whole new Joan that never existed before. I never truly saw myself or the world around me through the eyes that I have now.
I cannot wait to see what’s in store for me! What a revelation to be THAT positive about my own future and the opportunities that have been presented to me. I find myself optimistically giddy “Where am I going to be THIS time next year”. I wake up every morning with a huge Cheshire cat smile.
Now my life sparkles so much that I sweat glitter! I am so proud of myself that I have been able to do this all on my own. Yes, I did this. The efforts were for me, the results are mine. I didn’t need to read a book. I wrote my own! If I had to sum it up, I’ve had joy rising. My joy is rising!