Nicotine Dependence Calculator – Are You Addicted?


Tobacco contains more than 4,000 harmful chemicals. Nicotine is the chemical that causes addiction to smoking. Knowing how dependent you are on nicotine can help you decide about the best way to quit. Use this smoking calculators to see if you have a low or high level of nicotine dependence!

Nicotine Dependence Calculator
  Questions   Answers
  1. How soon after you wake do you smoke your first cigarette? 
  2. Do you find it difficult to refrain from smoking in place where it is forbidden; eg in church, at the library, in cinemas, etc? Yes 
  3. Which cigarette would you hate to give up?  The first one in
       the morning 
 Any Other
  4. How many cigarettes a day do you smoke?
  5. Do you smoke more frequently during the morning than during the rest of the day? Yes
  6. Do you smoke if you are sick enough to stay in bed? Yes 
Nicotine Dependency Score :


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