In today’s fast paced society we have our work cut out for us when it comes to eating healthy, or do we? A small amount of knowledge and taking time to plan will go a long way when it comes to eating healthy during the week when we are busy. We have fast food on every other street corner so that we can impulse buy a meal filled with fat grams and too many calories. It’s convenient, so many people just do that and many times continue that same cycle week after week. After a while they find themselves super sized.
First, we need to take control of our lives and believe in what we want to achieve. Having a positive mindset is vital in anything we do. Don’t say or think to yourself that you have to diet. Instead say I have an opportunity to improve my health and wellness by eating healthier and exercising and I’m thankful that I can. Using the word “diet” sets us up to fail since we think we are depriving ourselves of things we enjoy.
So, how do we eat healthier during the week when you’re always on the run or you only have a 20 minute break and you only have access to vending machines at work? Start by preparing your foods on Sunday. Either buy some shaved turkey or chicken breast fresh from the deli or make it yourself at home. If you make it at home go skinless and bake, broil, grill or rotisserie the meat. Put the meat in separate containers for each day of the week. Once you have done that, put vegetables in containers for each day of the week. Now, all you need to do is have some fresh fruit on hand and quality drinking water and you are set for the week. It’s just that simple! A little planning and preparation will go a long way when it comes to eating healthy.
If you don’t think you have time to prepare your meals on the weekend, sit back and evaluate how you’re spending your time. Are you a couch potato, video game buff, sleeping in too much, just lazy, out partying? Whatever the case, we can all find 45 minutes in a day to invest in our health.
By investing in our health and wellness we will live healthier lives, build confidence, discipline, be a stronger person, not just physically but also emotionally, make fewer trips to the doctor and help lower our chances of many diseases.
If you have children, try to make healthy eating a lifestyle for the family. Don’t single one person out because they are heavy or thin or any reason for that matter. So many kids just eat what looks and tastes good not knowing the food values. Kids are hit with marketing every time they turn on the television. When you speak with your family, make sure they understand why you’re making healthier food choices. Let them be involved and take them to the store to help pick things out and explain to them why something is good for them or why other food is not. The more children understand and are involved, the more they will be comfortable in participating.
Don’t let the snack attacks ruin your health either. Many people eat out of boredom or because others are eating and sometimes they eat because of depression. When you wish to snack, choose healthy snacks like fresh fruit and vegetables or some of the quality protein bars that are available.
Make sure that you look at food labels. Many labels can be misleading saying they are low-fat. Take a look at the label and the serving size. Sometimes the serving size listed is the size of a mustard seed! That’s how they get by saying it’s low-fat. There is a lot of information on the web regarding food labels and fast food nutrition, so take a look because you might be surprised.
If you want to be healthier, get lean, take off body fat and build muscle then look closely at your nutrition because it’s very important in obtaining results.