#1. List at least 5 benefits of essential fatty acids:
#2. Cortisol: what is it and what does it do?
#3. Probiotics: Please list at least 5 benefits:
#4. What is pH and why does it matter or what does it affect?
#5. What was the ratio of Protein, Fat and Carbohydrates in the Paleolithic Diet (hint: they’re our ancestors: the hunters and gatherers).
a) P 15-20%, C 30-50%, F 30-35%
b) P 19-35%, C 20-40%, F 21-59%
c) P 45-65%, C 5-15%, F 10-20%
d) P 35-50%, C 20-30%, F 10-20%
#6. What are policosanol and Coenzyme Q 10 good for? (For those who are advanced, also list what they do)
#7. What do almost all infections come from?
Test Your Nutrition I.Q – The Answers
#1. List at least 5 benefits of essential fatty acids:
- Reduced risk of Cancer, alzheimers and many other diseases.
- Improve brain health/concentration; great for ADD and ADHD.
- Prevent pre-term birth.
- Thin out the blood, hence decrease likelihood of blood clots.
- Lower cholesterol.
- Control Blood Sugar levels (if taken immediately after eating high glycemic index foods – they are protective).
- Give fluidity to joints.
#2. Cortisol: what is it and what does it do?
Cortisol is a hormone we secrete in response to stress (physical, mental, emotional). It’s like adrenaline, but over secreted from longer term stress, whereas adrenaline is more immediate. In order to make cortisol, your body must make CHOLESTEROL, thus, those of you with high cholesterol and stress, you will not be able to lower your cortisol unless you lower your stress. Cortisol’s nickname is the AGING hormone. When you secrete a lot of cortisol, your body can age 5 years in one year. We do a 24 hour saliva hormone test which includes cortisol throughout the day. We can then fine-tune your health plan based on when your body actually feels stressed out. Often it’s in the middle of the night, disrupting sleep.
#3. Probiotics: Please list at least 5 benefits
Probiotics (opposite of Antibiotics) are the good bacteria that protect you from harmful bacteria that you may breathe in or ingest in foods, vitamins, or other. These are your ‘good’ and ‘beneficial’ bacteria. When you take antibiotics, you kill off your good bacteria (as well as the bad – the reason for taking antibiotics). When you use probiotics regularly, you may never need antibiotics again. Probiotics work to excrete excess estrogen (great for PMS and menopause relief), so they help to prevent breast cancer. They also make some of your vitamins and help to digest some of your food. They chelate heavy metals and prevent kidney stones.
#4. What is pH and why does it matter or what does it affect?
pH is a measure of acid/base balance. We use urine pH as a marker of overall body pH. When your pH is acidic, you are (any combination of these): dehydrated, have an infection (it could be dormant), and it’s much easier for you to get sick, you are NOT absorbing any vitamins and minerals, and you are totally deficient in minerals. If you keep this up for long, your bones will de-mineralize to buffer the rest of your body. Most foods in the Standard American Diet (SAD) promote acidity. Eat more veggies and take a greens formula daily to promote neutral pH and feel GREAT.
#5. What was the ratio of Protein, Fat and Carbohydrates in the Paleolithic Diet (hint: they’re our ancestors: the hunters and gatherers).
- Protein: 19-35%,
- Carbohydrates: 20-40%
- Fat: 21-59%
#6. What are policosanol and Coenzyme Q 10 good for? (For those who are advanced, also list what they do)
Policosanol lowers total cholesterol, LDL (bad cholesterol), and it raises HDL (good cholesterol) (side note: statin meds DO NOT raise HDL). There are NO side effects. COenzymeQ10 is a part of the electron transport chain; it’s the last nutrient needed to make ATP (energy), and being an enzyme, it allows the reaction to occur. Statin meds deplete your heart tissue of COQ10. COQ10 is very unstable and needs to be bound to certain nutrients to stabilize, and not toxify, your body. When you try this, you’ll feel the increase in blood flow right away.
#7. What do almost all infections come from?
Infections come from nutritional deficiencies.
So how did you do? If you scored 7 out of 7, congratulations! If you missed a few, go back and study up on the answers.