This is a question I have been asked on numerous occasions. Lots of people wanting to lose weight (BODY FAT) consider buying a treadmill for home exercise usage. BUT… is it a wise investment?
Think about the overall usage and versatility of a treadmill? What can you use it for? Not really a lot to be honest. Maybe walking and running on a flat level or on a gradient, but not a lot else, especially for those who have a lot of weight to lose. For leaner and more advanced individuals, you can get a little more creative and perform some crawling type movements and hand walks, but other than that, treadmills are not a very versatile training tool.
Not to forget that you will also pay for the better models. If you get a cheap treadmill don’t expect it to be that great, because it won’t be.
Treadmills are also going to take up a whole lot of space and storage becomes an issue. Even if the treadmill folds, which generally only the cheaper ones do, it’s still going to take up a decent amount of space.
Why are you thinking of buying a treadmill in the first place? You can walk and run outdoors can’t you? Plus it’s better to walk and run where you move over the ground as opposed to a treadmill belt moving underneath you.
If you want to burn fat and get ‘LEAN’ you need to lean more towards resistance training. Think of your muscles as the ignition to your metabolism and fat loss.
Think about all the ‘USEFUL’, versatile training equipment you could buy for less than the cost of a treadmill. Equipment that will benefit you much, much more.
Go buy some dumbbells and or kettlebells, some resistance bands, an adjustable bench (a quality one) and some medicine balls. You could also look into purchasing TRX Suspension Trainer.
All these tools are way more versatile, not to mention fun… and they will attack the muscle, revving up your metabolism and helping you get leaner… FASTER! They will also be easier to store and perfect for use with a training partner.
Now don’t get me wrong… I am not anti treadmills, but I am against you wasting your money and time on the wrong investments. If you have a gym membership then the gym will have all the treadmills you need… and if you don’t and you like to walk, do so outdoors.
If you want to buy some equipment for home exercise use I recommend you purchase some of the items from the items I mentioned above.
I hope you found this tad bit of information informative and I hope it will help you when making the decision about whether or not you should invest in a treadmill or any other piece of home exercise equipment. Best of luck to you with your fat loss and physique development goals!