There is no secret to fitness and weight loss. Simply put, itʼs a science as well as being consistent for long term success. There are simple rules that you may want to follow if you want to be successful with fitness and weight loss.
First and foremost, itʼs not low calorie or starvation. In fact, you would be surprised how much food you do eat when consuming a non-processed, clean diet. Another important factor are complex carbs. The problem with a low carb diet is that we need complex carbs for energy, fuel, and fiber. If you remove this important macronutrient from your diet, then yes, your number on the scale may drop, but at the expense of lean muscle. The loss of lean muscle will ultimately lead to a slower metabolism, which will lead to more fat gain, and you will remain in this vicious cycle for the duration of your life and suffer many other issues due to the yo-yo dieting and additional fat gain.
Exercise is not just recommended but a must. Not just for weight loss, but for your overall well-being. Also, a variety of exercises such as weight training, cardiovascular, stretching, and plyometrics should be included in your exercise program. The idea is to be completely physically fit. Not just thin, not just buffed up with muscle, but to be able to walk or run though life without unnecessary pain or suffering.
Another important aspect to optimal health and fitness are vitamins, minerals, enzymes, anti-oxidants, and amino acid supplementation. With the low quality top soil that our food is being grown in, the quality is less that optimal. Therefore, even before any exercise is done, the average person needs a decent supplementation program. If you consider the stress of work, life, children, lack of sleep, illness (everything from the cold to more serious disease) then the view of why our system needs additional support just to deal with these issues becomes more mandatory, as opposed to optional. If supplementation were a regular part of our regimen before we were hit with various stressors and challenges of life, then most of the aliments and illnesses that we develop could be prevented or knocked right out of our bodies.
Too many people assume these vitamins are hocus pocus, or they donʼt work. Too many times I find that people are simply not consistent with their supplement regimen and because they may not notice anything HUGE immediately, they look for something faster or harder which is also known as the quick fix. The amazing thing is that when questioned if there is any positive change, they will admit that there is, but it usually is not intense enough. This type of thinking and choice making can have a very negative effect on your system and cause very important hormonal balances to become imbalanced, leading to other issues, and of course added weight gain.
I am not saying it is easy and I am not saying you donʼt have to cut out bad foods or that it wont be a test of will, but if your goals are to be fit, healthy and strong like a bull, then you have no choice but to make true LIFESTYLE changes, and start the process as soon as possible. Waiting until you are into your 40ʼs only makes fitness, and weight loss harder to obtain. It wonʼt happen overnight, there is a changing process that will occur within you. Be patient with yourself, but be consistent. From year to year you will notice a difference.
Finally, DO NOT let the number on the scale be the judge of your progress, since it will only mess with your mind. Muscle takes up less space than fat (pound for pound). You can gain 5 pounds of muscle and lose 5 pounds of fat, your numbers have not changed, but you feel leaner, stronger, your clothes fit better, and your body fat percentage has decreased. The added muscle has increased the amount of calories you burn in your daily life, and even more body fat is bound to drop off.
Fitness and healthy living should be taken on as a lifestyle, not as a goal to fit into a dress, or look good for a reunion. Donʼt try to change everything all at once. Bite off enough for you to comfortably chew and swallow. The gradual change will be a permanent change, ending the yo-yo dieting and weight loss once and for all.
1 Comment
Thank you! Excellent article and very well written. I needed that!