During my lifetime, I have succumbed to changes in my attitude. I’ve been on top of the mountain and I’ve fallen into the deep abyss. I’ve also maintained states of neutrality for extended periods of time, which allowed me to survive stressful and exhausting chapters in my personal life. The negative and neutral attitudes I expressed were hard on my body, and I gained a lot of weight.
What I recognize now when I look back is that by choosing to accept the present condition as a powerful learning experience, I was able to transform the negatives beliefs I had about myself into valuable lessons that I needed to learn. My attitude usually determined the outcome of my circumstances, and I became more aware of how powerful my attitude affected my life and those around me.
Personal development coaches, entrepreneurs, and other successful individuals affirm that you must have the right attitude to succeed in reaching desired goals and outcomes. Your attitude will determine your perspective on life and everything in it, because attitude defines your disposition. Some determine that attitude is 98% of the success formula. Without the right attitude, your talents and achievements might be useless because your perspective about yourself and others may be negative and uncertain.
A great attitude is energizing, while a negative attitude can drain you. A positive attitude will help bring constructive change to your life simply by attracting other successful people, and also those who require what you have to offer. Healthy people are drawn to positive energy and generally move away from negativity. Being optimistic will keep you hopeful, patient, and will provide you with the endurance you need to persevere through difficult times. A person with the right attitude about themselves and their life will accept challenges as lessons to be learned from.
In 2008, my fourteen year old son was diagnosed with bone cancer in the left femur and knee. The doctors told me that Rigel would lose his leg, and possibly his life. I was in a state of shock. No parent is prepared to hear that their child has cancer. I felt numb and completely helpless, but I refused to acknowledge their prognosis as final. On our trip home that day, Rigel and I were standing up on the deck of the Seattle ferry watching the passing wake go by. We were both silent as no words would do, so none were spoken. Then, Rigel turned to me and waited patiently until I looked him in the eye. I collected myself and said, “Rigel, we’re in for the fight of our lives.” Rigel casually responded by saying, “I know mom, and we’re gonna win.”
Until that moment, I never knew what I was truly capable of, or how much I could handle. I knew I could not accept the possibility of losing my only child. We’d been through so much together already, and this was to be the ultimate test of our strength and endurance.
After they removed Rigel’s cancerous bones and replaced them with titanium prosthetic mechanics, the infections began. For five years we have fought one infection after another, but my son is still alive. The infections have become a part of our life and each new surgery, treatment and period of rehabilitation is taken in stride.
I always repeat, “It is what it is”. I now understand what’s truly important to me, and my perspectives about life have dramatically changed because of our experience. I practice to live a life of gratitude.
Gratitude is a Healthy Attitude Booster!
One way to help change your attitude is with affirmations. I have found that affirmations can be words of power when utilized in the proper way. Affirmations should be chosen to fit the individual’s needs. When choosing affirmations for yourself, you should pick a few that are easy for you to recite, are believable, realistic, and also achievable. It helps to choose affirmations that fit well with your character and your priorities. What do you value? What is it you want to achieve? Incorporate your affirmations into your value system, and be honest with yourself. Do not pick affirmations that are beyond your reach at this time.
Another great way to reprogram your mind and your attitude is to listen to visualization CDs and practice them regularly. Positive self-talk is imperative in order for you to reprogram your mind. Although, you may not believe in yourself yet, using positive visualization techniques and positive words of reference to yourself will begin to reprogram your beliefs and then your body chemistry.
Following through with my 8-step plan for lifestyle reinvention will transform your attitude naturally. As you master each step, you will focus upon all the necessary aspects of healthy change and implement them into your new routine. My hope for you is that you will eliminate unhealthy habits and incorporate healthy eating options and activities into your lifestyle, instead. By practicing the steps daily, you will be less toxic and less fat. Once your self-esteem grows, you will make other changes in your life too. And by practicing relaxation methods such as yoga and meditation, you will learn to free your mind and body of stressors that have negatively altered your body chemistry, and you will become balanced. The end result is a happier and healthier individual who looks at life through an entirely different perspective.
The new you is stronger and more in control of your emotions, your beliefs, values, and attitudes. Your newly improved attitude will allow you to move forward into a fresh future, full of dreams that you choose to live, not just imagine. “At any given moment you have the power to say this is not how my story is going to end.” – Anonymous
Step 1: Sober Up | Step 2: Improve Your Diet | Step 3: Condition Your Body
Step 4: Put Your Best Face Forward | Step 5: Get Rid of Clutter | Step 6: Learn to Relax
Step 7: Attitude for Success | Step 8: Go After What You Want