Timothy Roach’s Bodybuilding Workout Routine and Diet Plan


My 2017 Goals:

  • More defined abdominals.
  • Gain 6 pounds of lean muscle.
  • Improve the overall size and definition in my legs.
  • Win the NPC Phoenix West Coast 50 and Over Bodybuilder and Classic Physique titles.
  • Win the NPC Las Vegas Classic 50 and Over Bodybuilding and Classic Physique titles.
  • Place in the 40 and Over Bodybuilding and Classic Physique titles in both contests.

I’m Going To Have a Great Year!
Most of my articles here on ShapeFit have been about various fitness topics that others can learn from in order to live a healthier lifestyle. I have laid out a detailed progress plan for myself for 2017 as it relates to two bodybuilding shows that I will be competing in. Unfortunately, I have to pass on the Muscle Beach Classic on May 29th which I really wanted to compete in. Sometimes you need to take a step backward in order to take 3 steps forward. On March 27th, I had the first of two scheduled partial knee replacements performed. I’ve been operating for years with very little cartilage in my knee’s due to several martial arts injuries that I incurred back in 1998. The second surgery will take place on April 18th. The good news is that my knee’s should be 100% by May 15th. Giving me 8 weeks to get ready for the NPC West Coast Bodybuilding Championship which will be held in Phoenix, Arizona on July 14th.

Part of my preparation for surgery was actually getting into “show ready” condition by my first surgery which I accomplished. I even managed to get a leg workout in on the morning of my surgery! I should be back in the gym by Thursday with 3 full days of rest. Obviously, I will not get back to my normal workout regimen immediately. The good news with having my partial knee surgeries is that I will become better and I will be able to focus more on developing my legs. My second bodybuilding event will be the NPC Las Vegas Classic in early November. I plan on competing in the “40 and Over” group as well as the “50 and Over” group and will also compete in the Classic Physique competition which is a new category that is perfect for my lean, muscular frame. In the Classic Physique competition, I will wear board shorts and showcase five of my favorite bodybuilding poses.

100% in Just 6 Weeks
The reason I’m talking about my two partial knee replacements with you is that there are many middle-aged people who just live with chronic knee pain when they really don’t have to. From a health perspective, your legs are critical to your long-term health and fitness. When you lose your mobility, your metabolism slows down. Your cardiovascular training and your leg workouts are key elements to achieve optimal health and fitness. In just seven short weeks, I’ll have 20-year-old knees to go with the rest of my body!

It’s important to not procrastinate when it comes to correcting issues with your body. There is nothing more important in your life than good health. I live in a “55 and over” community and I am totally blown away when I see people who don’t even attempt to fix things that are wrong with them. I think most people just don’t want to spend the money, but those same folks are buying new cars, going on cruises and buying golf carts. It’s important to be proactive when it comes to your health and use your medical resources to help keep you healthy. As bad as my knee looked after surgery, most people would think I took a step backward with my health and fitness, but in actuality, I’m talking several steps forward which will allow me to train even harder in the future.

The last couple of years have been great bodybuilding years for me. I finished 2nd in the NPC Las Vegas Classic “50 and Over” division in 2015 and I finished 2nd again in 2016 and also placed 5th in the “40 and Over” division. I plan on finishing 1st in all of the events that I compete in that are “50 and Over” and that includes both the Bodybuilding and Classic Physique divisions. I have been working out extremely hard since my last show in November. My abs are show ready and all of my focus is on increasing my muscular size. I’ve kept my body weight in check and I’m amazed that my abs are still showing at 194 pounds as they did when I was on stage at 178 pounds. In November, I’m planning on adding another 5 pounds of muscle. I have exploited my opponent’s weaknesses. I still may not be as physically big as them, but my body will be the most symmetrical and my abs will look incredible. I will also be using a posing coach to improve my ability to make my legs look bigger and more muscular by using a better posing routine. I also plan on visiting my doctor to make sure my testosterone levels are optimized and I will also get my doctor’s input about my diet.

My Workout Routine
I have 5 different workout routines that I use. This involves me working a body part every 5th day. I start my workouts with 6 different core exercises and I also do 15 minutes of elliptical and 5 minutes on a stationary bike. This is the warm-up I do to get me ready for my workout. During my workouts, I go non-stop without any rest periods in between exercises. My workouts usually take 70-80 minutes to complete. Here is the breakdown of my routine:

  • Workout #1 – Biceps and Triceps
  • Workout #2 – Chest
  • Workout #3 – Back
  • Workout #4 – Legs
  • Workout #5 – Cardio and Core
Crunches (3x10)Crunches (3x10)Crunches (3x10)Crunches (3x10)
Reverse Sit-Ups (2x10)Reverse Sit-Ups (2x10)Reverse Sit-Ups (2x10)Reverse Sit-Ups (2x10)
Side Sit-Ups (2x10)Side Sit-Ups (2x10)Side Sit-Ups (2x10)Side Sit-Ups (2x10)
Roman Chair Leg Lifts (2x10)Roman Chair Leg Lifts (2x10)Roman Chair Leg Lifts (2x10)Roman Chair Leg Lifts (2x10)
Seated Crunches (2x10)Seated Crunches (2x10)Seated Crunches (2x10)Seated Crunches (2x10)
Elliptical Machine (15 min)Elliptical Machine (15 min)Elliptical Machine (15 min)Elliptical Machine (15 min)
Stationary Bike (5 min)Stationary Bike (5 min)Stationary Bike (5 min)Stationary Bike (5 min)
EZ Bar Curls (3x10)Smith Machine Bench Press (6x7)Dumbbell Pullovers (3x10)Smith Machine Squats (6x7)
Leg Raises on Bench (2x10)Leg Raises on Bench (2x10)Leg Raises on Bench (3x10)Leg Raises on Bench (2x10)
1-Arm Preacher Curls (3x10)Smith Machine Bench Press with Narrow Grip (3x10)Seated Rows (3x10)Hack Squats (wide) (3x10)
Hammer Curls (3x10)Decline Dumbbell Presses (3x10)EZ Bar Pulldowns (3x10)Hack Squats (narrow) (3x10)
V-Bar Pushdowns (3x10)Incline Dumbbell Presses (3x10)Wide Grip Pull-Ups (3x10)Hack Squat Calf Raises (3x10)
Dips (3x10)Seated Dumbbell Military Press (3x10)Narrow Grip Pull-ups (3x10)Seated Leg Extensions (5x10)
Pulley Curls (3x10)1-Arm Dumbbell Press (2x10)Criss Cross Pulley Extensions (3x10)Seated Hamstring Curls (5x10)
Single Twisting Pulley Curls (3x10)Ab Roller (3x15)EZ Bar Pulldowns (3x10)Dumbbell Squats (3x10)
Cheater Dips (3x10)Push-Ups (3x10)Ab Roller (3x10)Calf Raises (3x10)
1-Arm Pulley Pushdowns (3x10)Seated Pulley Press (3x10)Ab Curls on Bench (3x10)Ab Roller (3x10)
Rope Extensions Behind Head (3x10)Ab Curls on Bench (3x10) Practice Posing (15 min)Practice Posing (15 min)
Ab Roller (3x15)Practice Posing (15 min)
Ab Curls on Bench (2x10)
Wide Grip Barbell Curls (2x15)
Practice Posing (15 min)

My Diet Plan
My diet continues to evolve based on my goals and my physique. I eat a lot of clean, nutrient dense foods. For the most part, I eat very clean year-round. This is evident with my current body weight of 194 pounds. I competed in Las Vegas last November at 178 pounds. I’m planning on hitting the stage in July and November at 184 pounds of solid and shredded lean muscle. I should have an additional 6 pounds of muscle for these shows and have even more defined abdominals. The key to the diet is your meal preparation. As you can see in my diet plan outlined below, I have three protein options for lunch and dinner. When I cook on the grill, I always make extra and sometimes cook multiple meals at the same time. I do the same with my rice and quinoa. I have 3 flavors of brown rice and quinoa that I consistently eat. My meat serving sizes are 8 ounces. I also eat large quantities of Green vegetables and fresh fruit during the day. I also like to include sugar-free ice cream pops to satisfy my sweet tooth.

My Daily Diet Plan (Monday through Sunday)
Breakfast: Oatmeal and Protein Shake
Snack: Egg Burrito
Lunch: Fish, Chicken or Beef. Brown Rice or Quinoa. Green Vegetables
Snack: Tuna and Fruit
Dinner: Fish, Chicken or Beef. Brown Rice or Quinoa. Asparagus or Broccoli. Fruit. Sugar Free Popsicle

As I get within 3 weeks of a bodybuilding show I usually go two days a week without carbs and up to 3 days of low carbs as the show gets closer. During the week of the show, I will bump up my carbs on Thursday and Friday and then have pancakes and brownies on the morning of the show. At the same time, I will take in some water on Thursday and drink 16 ounces of water mixed with an electrolyte formula on the Friday before the show. If you take in too much water while increasing your carbohydrate intake you’ll look bloated on stage.

The week before the show is a special time if you’ve executed your plan correctly. I get a natural “high” during the week of a bodybuidling show knowing that my long journey is about to end. The feeling I get on the morning of the show is incredible because I know I’m going to be perfect when I get on the stage.

A lot of people ask me why I continue to compete. First and foremost, I’ve been a competitor all my life as a collegiate athlete, corporate executive and athletic coach for my kids. I guess I always must compete in something. The other reason is that I can clearly remember how I looked and felt from the ages of 40-50 when I didn’t look good or feel good at all. The last eight years I have really felt in total control of my mind and body. I enjoy being a role model and clearly want to look good and feel great for the rest of my life. I am still amazed as to what I’ve accomplished in eight years and the funny thing is I feel I can continue to improve my health and fitness every year going forward.

At age 60, I plan on competing in the 40, 50 and 60-year-old divisions and I plan on placing in each category. I know my body will continue to improve as I continue to educate myself on health and fitness. I am motivated to get to the highest venue possible to be able to deliver a healthy lifestyle message to all of the middle-aged people out there. There is no reason why the United States should be the most out of shape nation in the world. Americans should not be dying 10 years younger than our counterparts around the world. My message to everyone over 40 years old is to take care of yourself and educate yourself on health and fitness. If you eat healthy and exercise, you can look good and feel good your entire life! I wish everyone the best of luck in your health and fitness endeavors. Remember, there is nothing that you can’t accomplish if you put your mind to it!

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About Author

My name is Timothy Roach and I'm a Certified Master Trainer, Certified Personal Trainer and I'm certified in sports nutrition. I'm also an accomplished amateur bodybuilder and have competed in 16 bodybuilding competitions. See my profile page for more information!

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