Fitness and nutrition are not rocket science. Although some people make it out to be. There’s a lot of misinformation out there that seems to be confusing a lot of people. I’m going to bring it back to the basics and keep it simple. Below are my top 2 nutrition tips and top 2 exercise tips to look better naked this bathing suit season.
#1. Wake up and eat. Repeat every 3 hours.
The days of eating 3 square meals are gone. They really never should have been. What they did to a person’s metabolism and fat burning ability was reduce it to an almost non-existent function. Look, in order to burn fat and burn it all day long you need to eat a minimum of 5 times a day and every 2-4 hours. The more times you eat will actually be more beneficial to you. It’s what’s known as the Thermic effect of food. You burn calories every time you eat.
Now if you eat junk every 2-4 hours that won’t help anything at all. You can’t out train bad nutrition. You can go to McDonald’s and eat a value menu and pack away 1000 calories in under 10 minutes. You’ll spend a lot of hours in the gym trying to burn off 1000 calories!
So what do you want to focus on when you do eat? That leads us into the tip #2:
#2. Think fibrous foods and lean proteins when it comes to foods.
When it comes to stubborn body fat the first think you want to reduce is your total carbohydrate intake. So try to think about fiber before anything when consuming carbs. Fibrous carbohydrates have a very high Thermic effect and fill you up a lot better than carbs without fiber in them. So focus on vegetables, fruits, and whole wheat or oats. You also want to cycle your carbohydrate intake down as you progress throughout the day. So the most carbs you would consume would be at breakfast and then you taper them off as you go throughout the day.
You also want to get lean protein. Protein builds lean muscle and muscle is huge when it comes to a fast metabolism. Protein also has the highest Thermic effect over any type of food. So concentrate on lean chicken, turkey, beef, eggs, milk, fish, and game.
#1. Incorporate full body interval, weight training into your routine.
This is the kind of stuff that gets your metabolism, strength, and fat burning operating at full capacity! No joke! Body part splits are simply a joke and a complete waste of time unless you are a bodybuilder. Whole body routines will get the most out of your workouts in the least amount of time.
And when you add the interval training to the mix you’ll be burning the fat all day long, and your energy will be skyrocketed. One of the best intervals you can do is a 50-10 5-exercise split. So you basically exercise as hard as you can for 50 seconds and then rest for 10 and then go again with another exercise for 50 more seconds. It’s intense. An example would look like this:
- Exercise #1: Dumbbell Squat
- Exercise #2: Dumbbell Overhead Press
- Exercise #3: Dumbbell Stiff-Legged Dead lifts
- Exercise #4: Dumbbell Renegade Pushups and Rows
- Exercise #5: Squat Thrusts
That circuit is killer! Just make sure to pick a weight that is light enough to get through the circuit, but heavy enough to give a challenge.
#2. Change it up!
People that don’t like to exercise are not going to exercise if it is boring. And doing the same thing day in and day out for weeks or months or even years on end will get boring pretty quickly. Plus you will stagnate a lot more quickly. The body is very smart and will adapt to something you do over and over again. And if there isn’t some kind of change it simply won’t be stimulated enough to entice new gains.
A change can be something as small as changing your rest period between sets or rounds. It can be a change in weight, change in reps, change in exercise order, or change in a combination of such.
But I like to change it completely around. Exercises, time, rest, number of sets or rounds, weight, everything. I also like to change the implements. Variety is the key to keeping your body guessing and always growing and getting stronger, faster, better at long and short intervals.
This is basically what bootcamp training is. And why I love it so much. Using equipment like kettlebells, medicine balls, sleds, dumbbells, punching bags, barbells, sandbags, body weight, sledgehammers keeps it interesting. Don’t be a mindless zombie in your training. Next time you train find a new exercise to incorporate into your training and do it. New exercises always hit the body in a different way. And different is what the body needs to be challenged, and improve. Give it a try!