There are many champions in life that we never hear about. We read in the news and see on television the many teams that win championships. Like the Nascar driver that wins the big race or the athlete who hits the most home runs. Many people idolize them and lots of children look up to them, but should they? We seem to see something in the news anytime a pro athlete does something illegal. For all the kids that look up to them, it can be very damaging emotionally when they hear of something bad in the news. We all need to remember athletes are just people and they can make mistakes in life-like any of us. Nobody should be idolized.
There are many champions in life we never hear about. There are the single parents that work two and three jobs just to put food on the table. The soldiers that go off to war with their families home to worry. The person that stops to help someone they don’t know that has car trouble. The children in hospitals that face deadly diseases with amazing courage. The person that avoids conflict with others that are filled with hate and rage. The child that stays in school fighting off peer pressure to drop out or join a gang. The person that donates blood. The people who volunteer when needed. The people who raise money for charity. The parent that takes time to listen to his or her children. The person that thinks of their loved ones before themselves. These are just a few examples of what champions are.
We all have the ability to be a champion in life, it’s up to each and every one of us to decide what choices to make. True champions are every day people, people who will not get recognized by millions and many times, not by anyone. If you know someone who is a real champion in life, let them know that you’re proud of them.
A true champion in life is not thinking that the world owes them something, but doing their very best in all things and being thankful for what they have and not complaining daily for what they don’t have. A true champion can lead or work as a team, can think for themselves and not be intimidated or persuaded to do things they believe are not right.
Fitness ties in with being a champion. How, you may be thinking? Fitness builds character, discipline and confidence. It is so exciting to see the inner change that fitness and healthy eating can make in a person’s life. Many times, people find a whole new person within themselves after they start living a fitness lifestyle.
Remember, you don’t need to be a pro athlete to be a champion. You don’t need people wearing a jersey with your name on the back. We can all be champions in life. It starts with desire, dedication and discipline. It’s the little things in life that can matter most and make the greatest impact.