Deciding to get healthy can feel overwhelming with the wealth of information available. Fat loss pills, diet fads and fitness gadgets promise the world but most of them will not give you the results of a sound health and wellness program. To get started you need a few things which include a nutritional plan, fitness regimen, a positive attitude and some motivation!
Nutrition. Everyone has heard about the health benefits of this food and the nutrients in that food. You know what is good and bad food the minute it’s presented on the table. The question is whether you will decide to eat it or not. The power behind dieting is the ability to say NO. Do you want my leftovers? Do you want to drive through somewhere on the way? Do you want to toss something in the microwave? If you haven’t noticed, there is a pattern which is called convenience. Our culture is centered on making things easy. Remember, nothing comes easy and you must work for everything that’s worth having. Create a nutrition program that includes foods you ENJOY. Forcing yourself to eat foods because they have fat burning properties or because they are low in calories is a recipe for disaster and eventually you will rebel. Find healthy foods you like and start creating dishes out of them.
Fitness. The routine of packing your gym bag, driving to the gym, changing into workout clothes, exercising, showering and driving home can get monotonous. Shock some life into your workout routine by trying something new. If you never run, then go for a jog and if you usually workout at the gym then try working out at home. Subjecting your muscles to fresh stimulus will promote muscle growth and help break feelings of boredom. Also, try working out with a friend or family member if you’re in need of support to get a jump-start on working out.
Positive Attitude. Your perspective on your life and how you tackle day-to-day stress will directly affect your mental and physical wellness. When a stressful situation presents itself, take a deep breath and approach the matter calmly. You will find that you will make better decisions, smile more and generally feel happier. Stress is as lethal as any disease and can damage you physically and psychologically. Surround yourself with other positive people and reduce the negative stressors in your life.
Motivation. Next time you’re headed to the gym, think to yourself: What is my motivation? Reiterating the answer to yourself is the best way to keep your eyes on the prize. Are you doing this to be around longer for your family? Has your doctor been on your case about your blood pressure? Do you just want to look good in a bikini this coming summer? There is no wrong answer for getting healthier but reminding yourself why you do it can be the difference between 30 minutes on the elliptical and 30 minutes on the couch.