I want to lose weight but its hard because I work every day. My work shift starts early in the morning and finishes really late at night. I never seem to have the time to exercise. What can I do to make sure I fit a workout in during my busy day so I can lose weight and get into shape?
If you make exercise a priority, there is no doubt you will find time in your day to workout. It’s just a matter of how badly you want to lose weight and get into shape. Think about the other important things you need to do in your daily schedule, whether its going to the coffee shop for your favorite vanilla latte or visiting a fast food restaurant for a tasty burger. These are things you really want and crave so it’s not a big issue when you wait in line at the coffee shop for 10 minutes for your drink. It’s important to you, so you do whatever you need to do to get what you want.
This is exactly the same mindset you need to have with your fitness plan. You need to make it an absolute priority in your life in order to follow it and succeed. You can’t just put it on the back burner because it will never happen if that’s the case. Start thinking about your options at work to be able to fit in a quick workout. The best time for exercise is during your lunch hour. Take your gym bag with you and get in a quick workout during your lunch period. Find a gym chain that has multiple locations such as Anytime Fitness or Snap Fitness. These gyms have locations all over the country and its usually easy to find one in your area.
Another great tip is to do a quick 20 minute HIIT (high intensity interval training) cardio workout in the morning or late at night when you get back home. I recommend waking up just a little bit earlier in the morning and getting your HIIT cardio workout finished so you don’t have to worry about doing it later when you’re tired after a long day at work. Go outside and do sprints for an amazing workout that burns a bunch of calories in a short amount of time. It only takes 20 minutes and you will keep your body supercharged all day long.
Here is an example of a quick HIIT cardio workout:
- 5 minute jog to warm-up
- sprint 50 yards as fast as you can go
- rest for 1 minute
- sprint 50 yards as fast as you can go
- rest for 1 minute
- repeat this for 10 total sets
You can also get a great cardio workout right in your own home by jumping rope. Find a room with a high ceiling and jump rope for about 20-30 minutes in the morning before work. You will burn a bunch of calories and you don’t even have to go outside. Just throw on a pair of shorts and some shoes, grab your jump rope and get after it!