WingStreet Calories – Fast Food Nutrition Facts


Menu ItemCaloriesProteinTotal CarbsSugarsTotal FatSat FatTrans FatSodiumCholesterol
Bone Out Wings
All American (2 pieces)19013110102058030
Buffalo Mild (2 pieces)220131821120104030
Buffalo Medium (2 pieces)220131821120101030
Buffalo Burnin Hot (2 pieces)220131811120102030
Honey BBQ (2 pieces)240132410102077030
Spicy Asian (2 pieces)230132311102072030
Garlic Parmesan (2 pieces)22013120142.5070030
Spicy BBQ (2 pieces)23013228102090030
Cajun (2 pieces)22013195102080030
Teriyaki (2 pieces)24013247102086030
Crispy Bone In Wings*
All American (2 pieces)170870132.5045040
Buffalo Mild (2 pieces)2108141132.5091040
Buffalo Medium (2 pieces)2108142132.5088040
Buffalo Burnin Hot (2 pieces)2108141132.5089040
Honey BBQ (2 pieces)23092010132.5064040
Spicy Asian (2 pieces)22091911132.5059040
Garlic Parmesan (2 pieces)210980163.5057040
Spicy BBQ (2 pieces)2208188132.5077040
Cajun (2 pieces)2109155132.5067040
Teriyaki (2 pieces)2309206132.5074040
Traditional Wings*
All American (2 pieces)8080051.5032045
Buffalo Mild (2 pieces)12087161.5078045
Buffalo Medium (2 pieces)12087261.5075045
Buffalo Burnin Hot (2 pieces)11087161.5077045
Honey BBQ (2 pieces)1409131061.5051045
Spicy Asian (2 pieces)1309121161.5046045
Garlic Parmesan (2 pieces)12091092.5044045
Spicy BBQ (2 pieces)130811861.5064045
Cajun (2 pieces)12098561.5054045
Teriyaki (2 pieces)11086361.5048045
Side items
Apple Pie (2 pies)3602472518602100
Fried Cheese Sticks (4 pcs)31011252197081030
Taters (1/2 order)79077405210020800

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