Zone Diet Calculator – Calculate Grams of Key Macronutrients


“The Zone”, is a dietary program developed to maintain insulin in a relatively tight zone – not too high, not too low. This is achieved by controlling the ratio of protein to carbohydrate at every meal by the use of food blocks. By maintaining insulin levels, blood sugar levels are controlled, glycosylated hemoglobin is reduced, triglyceride levels decrease, and HDL cholesterol levels increase. You can enter your daily caloric needs below and the specific Zone breakdown will be displayed.

Enter your daily caloric needs: 
Calories/Day Grams/Day
40% Carbohydrates
30% Proteins
30% Fats

Note: This calculator is geared towards a high protein diet, which may not be appropriate for those with liver or kidney problems. Many traditional diets increase carbohydrates to 55% and lower protein to 15%


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  1. I want to reduce fat from tummy, thighs, hips and chest. There is no doubt that I am overweight. Do you have any tips to help me?

    • Hi Jaspreet – Your diet is the key for losing fat and keeping it off for a lifetime. Read our Nutrition 101 article for more information about how to structure a healthy meal plan.

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